Puces de Saint Ouen: wedding dresses

Here comes the second part of my flea market report. Last time I mentioned that we visited a wedding dresses exhibition currently held at the Serpette market. I took pictures of most of the dresses, pictures that I’m sharing today. The exhibition is quite small, but some of the dresses are really nice. I you do happen to be at the flea market, it’s worth going to check them out. The exhibited dresses are actually on sale, so they change all along the exhibition as people buy them and take them home. Here is an overview of those we got to see last saturday.

This black dress facing the exhibition room entrance is of course modern:

According to the exhibition staff, this dress below dates from the 40s. I wouldn’t have guessed!

This one is from the beginning of the 20th century. Look at that lace:

This one as you would have guessed is from the 50s:

And last is this outfit which suprised us a little. I wouldn’t have worn that to my wedding, but to each his own.

The pictures are all available on my Flickr stream, where you can see them bigger if you want. And if you want to see the dresses for real, they’re in the exhibition gallery, alley 6 of the Serpette market (which is on the street named rue des rosiers).

In the last part of this report I’ll show you what I came back home with. ^^ But this will have to wait until next week, as I’m going to visit family this week-end.


Puces de Saint Ouen: wedding dresses — 1 Comment

  1. J’ai vu ce post il y a un moment, sans avoir trop le temps de laisser un message : elles sont toutes plus belles les unes que les autres ! J’aimerais bien me remarier, mais Pierre ne comprends pas trop… (enfin si, mais il trouve ça inutile, vu que j’ai surtout envie d’une belle robe ! ça peut se comprendre)
    Merci pour ces belles inspirations !

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