
Is it possible that we’ve come to the end of the year already? How fast did autumn fly… It seems it started only a few weeks ago, and yet yesterday it was the winter solstice. I’ve been engulfed by a huge wave of work that left me little time for anything else and from which I came out quite exhausted. Luckily it’s getting calmer now and I’m slowly getting back to my normal life, and enjoying it. And of course I’m preparing for the holidays.

For me Christmas is all about family, be it your real blood family or the extended “family” you create for yourself over the years. Our son being older we can share more with him this year. He asked to help decorating the Christmas tree, discovered with pleasure the Advent calendar and its chocolates (we usually limit sugary things, but we’re making an exception), learned about Santa (although for now he doesn’t mean much to him gift-wise, it’s just a guy he recognizes on illustrations. I’m not set on telling him that all gifts come from Santa. I like the idea that we carefuly choose relevant presents for our loved ones on Christmas, isn’t it lovely and magical in itself? But as Santa Claus is part of our culture he has to know him, even if it’s just as a story). He likes to listen to his book with Christmas songs and loves looking at the illuminations in the streets and gardens. We’re having a tiny bit of time to spend together, just the two of us, before we start the usual Christmas trips to see family, and I’m happy about it. This afternoon for tea we shared some cinnamon cookies that I had just baked, it was nice.

I have many sewing projects to share with you (some of which are totally off season now!), and I intend to do so, but for now I’m going to wish you all a very happy and merry Christmas! May you have lovely people to share it with and a wonderful time. I’m going to use the few days off I have to rest and enjoy my family, and maybe do a tiny bit of sewing, who knows? And I’ll try to be back for one last post before the new year comes. ;)


Christmas — 2 Comments

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