
I told you last time about my recent love for crochet. I was very lucky to receive what I needed to start learning crochet for Christmas from a family member, along with a live demo of the basic stitches. It’s very easy to learn when someone is showing you how to do it! Crochet seems much easier to me than knitting. With a few basic stitches you can make cute and useful things. Plus you don’t need much space, so I can bring my crochet and thread with me on the train when I commute to/from work, which is great! And I really like the repetition of movements, it’s sort of soothing and funny. Here are some of my first crochet creations:

Sources: Marie-Claire Idées’s “250 points de crochet” and this flower tutorial at Attic24

Ok so I still have some progress to make so that my stitches look really pretty, but I think it’s a good start. I then went looking for online tutorials. I decided to try Creative Yarn’s triple hairband.

I’ve had something similar in mind for some time and I was wondering if a chain stitch would work ok.  The answer is yes. I guess I saw the band on a blog (probably at Eolune’s, who made it with a flower) and it stayed somewhere in my memory. It’s very easy to do and I really like the result. My husband loves how it looks on me. The only thing is that I seem to have a big head, because the ends were too short, I couldn’t knot it. I added a button and made a loop with the remaining of the thread on one side, and voilà !

Now I have to make some more in different colours so that I can match my outfits. I’ll try to make them longer so that I can make a knot or shorter so that the button is centered. Good thing there is a yarn shop not very far from my new place. :)


Crochet! — 6 Comments

  1. J’adore!!!! C’est trop mignon!Et justement je cherche depuis des luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuustres un projet facile MAIS qui me plaise vraiment pour me mettre au crochet!!Ben voilà!! Merciiiiiiiii!! (et d’ailleurs mon 2e projet sera sans aucun doute des fleurs selon attic 24 youpi youpi!!)Bon…. seul bémol : déjà en français c’est limite du chinois pour moi, alors là en anglais ça s’apparente carrément aux hiéroglyphes ou un truc dans l’genre!!Aurais-tu un lexique ou qqch pour m’aider à me proposer?Grand merci d’avance, et bravo!!

    • Merci pour ton gentil commentaire ! :) Tant d’enthousiasme ça fait plaisir. En réalité ça n’est pas beaucoup plus compliqué en anglais qu’en français. Je t’envoie un email.

  2. I much prefer crochet to knitting myself.I think though that crochet has suffered too much with what I call the “granny square syndrome” and most people think that it is very boring.There are some wonderful patterns out thereif you look.Have a look at they have some free patterns to download and they are aimed at all skill levels from beginner to the more experienced.I was taught to crochet at the age of 8 by my grandmother and I love it!!

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