A touch of humor

This drawings comes from an Elle magazine from earlier this year (I don’t remember which month). It’s from a one page article about craft blogs (especially mom knitting and sewing for their children). I found it funny and thought I would share it. The mum says something like this: “Know that the whole community of blogging mums finds the scarf I knitted you incredible”. I think there might be a kind of joke with the adjective that I don’t know how to translate in English, because “renversante” means “incredible/amazing” but also comes from the verb “knock over”, which might soon happen to the little girl since the scarf is so big. ^^;

Edit: It seems that the drawing is from Margaux Motin.


Here are a few pictures of the last thing I made. It’s a set of jewellry (necklace + earings) similar to the one I made for a charity, this time for a friend who really liked the first version. I gave it to her at the end of November when she visited me (she lives in the states at the moment), so I can share the pictures now.

I made a few changes to the design (pearls color, little details), but overall this version is quite similar to the first one.

Here is the necklace worn by my friend (sorry for the blurryness, we took this pictures on the morning before she left and the weather wasn’t very cooperative):