Spotted: Couture Casual Wear Homme

Hello ! I’m posting a quick update tonight to tell about a book I just discovered today: “Couture Casual Wear Homme”. It’s a french pattern book for menswear! It’s not that often that we get to find new patterns for the men in our lifes. It just got out yesterday and I haven’t been able to see it myself yet, I got the info on the Internet and read about it on the author’s blog. The patterns seem to cover a wide range of casual clothes and could turn out to be a good basis for more evolved pieces with modifications, if the initial patterns are well made. Here is the cover:
If you want to read more details you can go check the french version of this post or head over to the author’s blog, here and here. She’s also having a game to win the book here.

I won’t stay longer for tonight, I’ll try to add a few more stitches to the t-shirt I’m working on before going to bed. I’m finally trying to sew with knits! I’ve been quite afraid of knits and have been avoiding them so far, but no more (or so I hope). Appart from that it’s been rather slow sewing-wise around here lately. I had a lot of other things to handle (like work, being pregnant and preparing for the baby’s arrival and organising Mr Robots’ birthday this month for example) and didn’t finish much. -_- I can’t say for sure but it seems this is changing though, I might have things to share soon (beginning of July ?).


Spotted: Couture Casual Wear Homme — 1 Comment

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