I’m sorry for the lack of updates lately… I have a huge amount of work that cannot wait. I wish I had better organisation skills so that I wouldn’t find myself overwelmed by work from time to time like I am now. :s
I just posted pictures from the above pattern book on my Flickr, because someone was looking for them on a French community I’m in, and I thought I’d share the info here in case anyone is interested. ^^ You can find all pictures here.
This is a picture of the project I’m currently working on. Maybe some of you can guess what it is about. I hope to post the answer very soon!
Bonjour,Je souhaite acheter ce livre, mais dans la boutique je ne l’ai pas trouvé. Pouvez-vous m’aider ?Cordialement
Je viens de vous envoyer un email via mon adresse professionnelle.
merci beaucoup pour tes encouragements ça m’a bcp touchée!bonne continuation.
De rien ! ^^ Merci de m’avoir laissé un petit mot ici pour me le dire.