Is it really 2010 already?

I just realized I forgot something very important. It’s a shame I haven’t told you yet:


I wish everyone who comes here an excellent year! I hope it will be filled with joy and happy memories. And since we’re talking about crafts here, that it will be filled with new projects and new experiments.

This new year started for us with many challenges. We left Japan at the end of last year, to come back to France. This is the reason why I haven’t written anything here for such a long time. After the Dollshow (which went quite well, I’m really happy I did this event, you can read a report on Songes de poupées here) we had to prepare everything for the move, and only had a few weeks to do so. You can guess the frantic mess it was at home. We said goodbye to Japan (quite heartbreaking) and arrived in France in December. I had no Internet connection until now, which is why this blog was sadly left behind… But I’m now back, with my own Internet connection! ^_^ And appart from all the personal challenges (finding a new job, a new home, a new life) I have lots of craft projects in mind for this new year. Among them: learn how to knit and crochet for real. Now that I’m back in France I can ask for the help of my mother and my cousin, and I intend to fully take advantage of this! Hope to share all of this with you during the year. ^_^


Is it really 2010 already? — 2 Comments

  1. Bonne année !!!!Meilleurs voeux !!Je te souhaite (entre autre – mais je t’ai déjà fait des voeux en règle) beaucoup d’inspiration :)

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