Spotted: new releases

I’ve been talking about this book update for a while, I finally find the time to write it. It will be divided into several parts, otherwise it might be too long…

“Kids no jimbei to yukata + baby” (Jimbei and yukata for kids and babies). You can easily guess what this book is about. Those are traditional summer clothes for children. The yukata is a simple cotton kimono worn in summer. It’s lighter and less formal that the usual kimono. It’s often worn by japanese people as festivals and fireworks. The jimbei is a two pieces outfit composed of a pair of short pants and a kimono-style top. It’s also made of cotton. It’s worn mostly by men but I think women can also wear it.

“Daily wear”. The outfits inside are like the one on the cover: quite simple and large shapes. Nothing really fancy here but rather comfy clothes for daily use. There are a few pics that are not very clear as to what the clothes actually look like, but luckily all of them are listed at the beginning of the book (with unworn pics). There are 12 base-types, and for each 2 or 3 variations (the clothes are numbered from A01 to L02). You can find a little of everything: dresses, tunics, camisoles, skirts (2 types I think), pants (1 type I think), outerwear. They have a few cardigans/jackets/coats that I actualy found quite nice and useful. Otherwise the rest of the clothes are not to my taste (not fitted/shaped enough) but for those who like that kind of clothes they might be nice, there are nice design ideas.

“mainichi, harishigoto” (“Daily needlework”). This book is mainly about accessories. Many bags, aprons, some small things for the house. You can see a few examples on the book’s Amazon page.

“Ito Masako no harishigoto” (“Masako Ito’s needlework”). A slightly different book, in the way it offers the patterns. It is composed of several short sections, each one of them talking about a different subject related to sewing/fabric. What I found funny is that the subjects are not really linked to each other. Here are a few examples: Ikea fabrics, repurposing old sheets, marimekko fabric, hankerchiefs (two types), running stitch, linen, smocks. With each subject they give the pattern for one garment. You find one page of text describing (I think) the subjet, then a picture of the garment, then two pages of pictures related to the subject. It’s more of an actual craft/art book than just a pattern book.


Spotted: new releases — 6 Comments

  1. Ah, le dernier bouquin (s’il était traduit) me paraît vraiment bien ! ^^ Je préfère ça aux simples patrons, on en apprend plus, tu ne trouves pas ? =)Bisous !

    • Je ne sais pas… Finalement je crois que je préfère les livres spécialisés plutôt qu’un livre qui mélange un peu tout. Mais bon c’est moi hein ! ^^; Sinon c’est vrai qu’il doit y avoir moyen d’apprendre des trucs sympa, mais le texte n’est pas hyper détaillé non plus. Et inconvénient majeur : il n’est pas traduit. :s

  2. Bonjour,en passant par JCA je me permet de te demander une petite information.Un de mes amis part au japon cet hiver et comme il sait que j’ai du mal à avoir les livres de couture japonaise il se propose de m’en ramener. Par contre comme c’est un mec il faut lui mâcher le boulot, il aimerait savoir exactement dans quel genre de librairie il doit aller et mieux encore une adresse précise sur Tokyo ou Kyoto. Comme tu es là bas je me dis que tu dois pouvoir me renseigner, par avance merci.

      • Bonjour,Je pars au Japon demain!Et je suis aussi intéressées par les adresses de bonnes librairies à Tokyo et Kyoto!Merci d’avance!Mélanie

  3. Sympa de partager les découvertes ! j’ai vu le 2 et le 4 chez “pomadour” on ebay… (qlq photos des pages intérieures)

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