Spotted: Drape Drape

I’m devoting a whole post to this new release. Since it’s a little different I took more time to look at it and I can write a more detailed review.

It’s called “Drape drape”, and is, as you can guess, about creating drapes. All the clothes inside (women clothes only) are draped and quite loose fitting. At first I was happy to see this book, because I’m interesting by this technique. But I was a little disappointed: the clothes are not easy to wear at all. They have strange shapes and because they’re so loose, they sometimes do not cover enough of the body (especially when you consider that the model doesn’t wear anything under). You would definitely have to add other layers. Other people might love them I’m sure, but they’re not really my style. So this book seems to be more interesting as a drape learning and inspiration tool than a quick pattern book.

Let’s talk about the technical part now. It starts by explaining basic sewing things and tools as often. They also explain drapes and the different techniques they will use to create them: tucks, gathers and a combine technique that they call “drape drape”. Each garment then uses at least one of those. There are text and pictures to describe them, as well as explainations on how to construct them from the pattern (like how to cut, fold and sew to create tucks). They also talk about sewing machines and sergers, as they seem to use a serger to make the clothes. I’ve read on the internet that it is recommended to have one to use this book. As they don’t seem to add any advice for people who don’t have a serger at home, I can understand that. I guess you’d still be able to make the clothes without, but it might take more time.

As for each garment explanations, I think it’s not that easy to understand the construction if you don’t speak japanese. The drawings are not as detailed as they are in say the “One day sewing” series. It looks more like the “Stylish dress book” series: some garments have very detailed drawings, and other only have two or three for the hardest parts. They also show you how to place the pattern pieces on your fabric and the pattern shape, with numbers indicating the different construction steps. But with all those tucks and gathers it’s sometimes difficult to understand the pattern, and how from this weird 2D shape you will get this 3D piece. ^^; I’m not saying it’s impossible to use for non-japanese people. Just that you have to be willing to spend quite some time staring at the drawings and making sense of them, and trying everything on your muslin first. I definitely recommend doing a muslin, because I’m sure this can lead to many mistakes and you don’t want to ruin your nice fabric. So I’d say this is for patient and determined people, who want to learn more about drapes or create orignal clothes. And with at least a little experience in sewing. But of course I don’t have the book and didn’t make anything from it, all this is based only upon my browing in the shop. It might be easier than it seems.

And to thank those who have read all this, you can see some scans of the book here. ^^


Spotted: Drape Drape — 15 Comments

    • Je ne sais pas s’il en faut une absolument. Ils en utilisent une, mais ça doit pouvoir se faire sans, si tu fais attention. Ca dépend aussi du tissu utilisé sûrement.

  1. Amelie no mori! lol J’adore ton pseudo! Il est trop de circonstance…J’ai flashé sur ce livre et ai reporté l’achat d’un autre qui était prévu pour craquer pour celui-là!Je posterai chez les JCA’s dès que j’aurais testé…

    • Merci ! ^^J’ai hâte de voir tes productions chez les JCA et d’avoir d’autres avis sur ce livre. Je me demande s’il est aussi difficile qu’il y paraît…

  2. Tu oublies de préciser que ces modèles sont le plus souvent en jersey, d’après les images vues sur japan couture addict: la surjeteuse dans ce cas est certes bien utile, je LE VEUX!lol, merci pr ta réflexion sur le sujet, les profonds décolletés peuvent être réduits: yaka!

    • En fait j’ai oublié de regarder les tissus utilisés… ^^;Effectivement les décolletés peuvent être réduits, mais du coup ça risque peut-être aussi de réduire l’intérêt des drapés… Vivement des photos de créations à base de ce livre !

  3. Merci pour ton article vraiment intéressant ! J’ai acheté ce livre ce soir, et effectivement les modèles ne sont pas trop portables, toutefois il faut bien choisir le tissu utilisé : un tissu qui peut se passer de la surjeuteuse, mais aussi se superposer facilement avec d’autres… J’ai vu deux ou trois modèles “portables”, notamment le top gris avec un beau drapé devant… Je pense que je vais passer autant de temps à cogiter qu’à fabriquer les modèles !!!

  4. J’ai reçu ce livre cette semaine. Je suis d’accord, les dessins sont vraiment uniques. Mais, je pense que la veste, le top simple, et les deux pantalons sont choses que je vais effectivement porter.Les robes sont toutes très, très créatif. J’espère que je peux comprendre les photos.

  5. Found your blog on Bing and was so glad i did. That was a quick read. I have a tiny question.Is it OK if i send you an email???…

  6. how can i buy this book? in italy we must pay customs tax for all non EU orders of more than 22€ so i dont see the way to order it in internet:( you didnt have to pay tax?

    • Dear Eva,I didn’t buy this book myself. I was living in Japan when I wrote this post, I saw the book in my local bookshop. Don’t you have any japanese bookstore in Italy? Maybe you could order it from there. There is a shop in France that also sells online, you can check if they can send it to you (then it’ll come from EU) : Or maybe there are other online sellers inside the EU.

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