New books

Before sharing my current projects with you I thought I’d show you pictures from my last japanese books. Or should I say french book? Those are actually popular japanese sewing books that have been translated and released by french editors.After being able to resist them in Japan and for months since, I finally gave in when they appeared in France. Here are my favourite pieces from those two books.



I got this one a few months ago. The bag I posted about before is made from it.


I got the book because of this pattern. I’m so in love with this apron (which would make a great skirt too)!


The bag



What thing I find funny: the original (japanese) cover shows patterns pieces with writings in French. And for the french version, they changed this to show a japanese girl. Isn’t it ironic?


La couture au féminin (original title: “feminine wardrobe”)

This one is very recent, it just got out last Saturday. I was really excited when I heard it was going to be released in France.

The cover dress have been tempting me for a very long time. It’s my favourite from the book.

This is a picture I like of a similar dress. The sleeves are longer. Isn’t this picture poetic?




The top part of this dress is made from a knit fabric.



This book gives you seven basic patterns and explains how to make three garments from each, most of the time by changing the length, sleeves or small details.


New books — 5 Comments

  1. C’est bien que tu aies posté ces photos ! J’ai moi aussi craqué sur la robe de la couverture, mais j’hésitais un peu. Je crois que je vais l’acheter du coup, si je résous cette épineuse question : ne suis-je pas trop vieille pour tout ça ?

  2. You are so lucky!!what wonderful looking dresses in these pictures.I am so envious.My daughter will be in France next year as part of her university course so I shall have to make sure that she finds copies of them for me!!!Thank you for sharing.x

  3. I managed to get hold of a copy of Feminine Wardrobe and over the week end have made the dress on page 7.I really enjoyed making it and it was not at all difficult so I shall definitely be attempting some more in the near future…I know that my daughter will love the cover dress too so that will be on the list! I love the use of plain and striped fabrics on the dress I made but my version is just in a plain solid colour as that was all I had to hand.Anyway,thank you for bringing these books to my attention!

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