
I started to reorganize my working space a little while ago. My sewing/working table was full of fabric, papers and various stuff and I couldn’t use it anymore. I’m not the most tidy person, but I realized I can’t sew when I’m surrounded by a mess. I need a big clean space. So I started to tidy everything up, sort and organize all my stuff. It’s nice to do this once in a while! :) I bought some more boxes so I could sort everything in a more practical way. I’m still missing a few things, among which a new box to store my fabrics. But I already like the new look of the place. :)


Sorting — 1 Comment

  1. Ha ha ha, moi ce sont les boîtes de bonbons Haribo !! xD J’en ai plein remplies de boutons, rubans, dentelles, perles, etc. (et j’en ai une de wigs non utilisées aussi, ça les parfume, c’est sympa !! xD) Et pis quand je manque de place, ben j’en rachète une, m’en régale la panse avant de l’utiliser pour le rangement ! ^^’ (oué, je sais, c’est une sale excuse pour bouffer des bonbecs, mais bon, tant pis ^^)

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