
I’m sorry for the unplanned break I took from blogging lately. I got overwelmed by all the things I had to do and couldn’t find time to write any posts. The end of May was really busy at work, plus I had to organize a few things and finish my “frankenstein” dress (which was ready on time), then I left for Bordeaux (south-ouest of France) for a few days to attend to my oldest friend’s wedding, came back to Paris with a cold that left me very tired, went to another wedding, prepared my other half’s birthday and finally took it easy for a week so that I could get some needed rest. But it is sad because there were quite a few things I wanted to share here, so I’ll have to catch up.

I have several garments to show you, some flee market finds that I have to share, my series on gathers to finish and a blog-anniversary to organize. Yes, this blog turned two at the busiest time so I couldn’t even write the tiniest post for the occasion. Since I didn’t do anything last year either, I’d like to do something nice this year. As soon as I get the time, I’ll set up a unbirthday party. ^_^ In the meantime I want to wish a very happy birthday to this tiny blog, and say a big thank you to all those who are ready it, be it followers or occasional readers. And please leave me comments when you stop by, I love them! ^_^


Hello! — 6 Comments

    • ^_^ Je ne sais pas quelle partie tu voulais voir en particulier, mais ça y est j’ai mis un premier post. ;)

  1. Je confirme, tu ne mords pas ! LOL”O tanjobi omedeto” à ton blog alors !Moi non plus je n’ai pas pu fêter mon deuxième blogiversaire…Mais c’était pour la bonne cause ;-)

  2. I am new to your blog and already I find myself inspired to continue to sew and crochet (which I also do!)I know all about taking a break…it is necessary :)

    • Thank you for your comment, it’s really nice. It’s very rewarding to know I gave a tiny bit of inspiration to someone. :)

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