Pretty shoes and a tiny bit of sewing

Here it is, the age of weddings has started for us! It’s funny how it all seems to happen suddenly. One day you’re quietly living your life, and the next day you’re surrounded by happy news: engagements, weddings, friends getting pregnant, babies… So last week we went for the first time to a friends’ wedding.

Of course I needed a nice dress for the occasion (sadly I didn’t have time to make one), and a nice pair of shoes to go with it. Which gave me the excuse to get those pretties, that had been tempting me for months:

I love their colour!! At first I was thinking of getting black shoes. But I just couldn’t get them in “boring” black when they existed in such a nice shade of blue. So in the end I got the outfit below (I took this picture the day after the wedding so my dress has wrinkles).

But when I tried on my outfit before the wedding, I realized it was missing some blue color at the top. Since I couldn’t improvise a last minute trip to the store, and couldn’t sew a bolero or stole, especially without the proper blue fabric, I decided to make a necklace. I’m really lacking some more blue accessories!

Here is what I improvised:

The yo-yo is made in blue Menasse Liberty cord. It was the only thing I had that could match my shoes and bag! It was a little hard to cut into this fabric, which was a gift from a friend who lived in London (bought at Shaukat), and which I’ve been saving since for the perfect project (I’m sure you do this too!). But at least now I can tell her that I made something with it!

For those who don’t know Liberty fabrics by heart, this is what it looks like:

The funny thing is that in the end I wore another necklace, that my mother lend me. She and my sister thought it looked better with the outfit and my husband thought it was more elegant… But I’m sure I’ll find other occasions to wear a blue necklace! Here is a picture of it worn:

I’m not sure if I’m going to leave it as is, or if I’m going to change it into a long necklace that I might use more often. We’ll see!


Pretty shoes and a tiny bit of sewing — 5 Comments

  1. Ces chaussures sont splendides, j’aime beaucoup, et ton petit collier est tout mimi aussi.Moi, c’est pareil, je rentre des tissus, et je n’ose pas tailler dedans…Merci pour tes conseils pour ma tunique japonaise, j’ai (hélas) commencé à tout découdre…Belle soirée.

    • Arg, désolée que tu doives découdre et recoudre. J’espère que le résultat sera à la hauteur ! :) Pour le tissu, ha ha, je crois qu’on est toutes pareilles. ^^

  2. Pingback: Collier Menasse, v.2 / Menasse necklace, part 2 « Amélie no mori

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