Nice discovery

I’m happy, tonight after going to the post office near my job (I work in Paris) I made a nice discovery: there is a Toto shop in the neighborhood!! “Toto” is a chain of fabric shops in France. ^_^ How good is that: fabric that is not very expensive, within 15 minutes of my job, in a shop that closes at 7pm and stays open at lunch time (which means I might have a chance to actually go there during opening hours!).

I learned since I started working that sadly working in Paris doesn’t mean you have easier access to the interesting fabric shops there. Those I’d like to go to close early, and it takes at least 30 minutes by subway to go there from where I work. I had no chance to go since March! That’s why I’m so glad I discovered this shop. But I’m not going to spend all my time and money there, I’ll be reasonable. I was tonight: I had to go home early so I didn’t even enter the place! ^^;

Stay tuned for a wedding party outfit and very small related sewing. And I’d like to post a tutorial for the headband I showed the other day.


Nice discovery — 2 Comments

  1. J’aime bien Toto, c’était mon endroit préféré à Rouen. Mais quand je vois la montagne de tissu que j’ai accumulé et dont je ne fais rien… <_<Enfin, t'as pu en profiter au final ou pas du tout ? ^^°

    • Oui j’ai pu en profiter un peu. ^^ Pas beaucoup ceci dit, j’ai été raisonnable jusqu’à présent, j’ai acheté que deux tissus (qui sont sensés aller ensemble) parce qu’ils n’avaient rien pour ma robe du mariage. Je crois que je préfère le magasin de Dunkerque, y’a plus de choix. Ceci dit c’est sympa de pouvoir y aller si je veux. ^^

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